
* We would like to inform you that the hosting company informed us that there is a defect in their servers due to an emergency malfunction, and therefore all our apps as eduflag, portal.. will stop working for two days, starting from today. And we, as Eduware, apologize to you for this problem that is beyond our control, and we will inform you immediately when the problem is solved. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

* Scolarités 2023-2024

* Site en cours de rénovation


  • الجمباز العربي المدرسي

    Chloé Lattouf
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  • Travaux Personnels Encadrés

  • La semaine de la presse SDP

    MCD Radio Monte Carlo Doualiya France
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  • La nuit des St'art de l'avenir de l'USJ

    Les Starz du Lycée Charlemagne Roumieh
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